Experienced Financial Protectors

Commercial Lease Disputes Attorneys

The California law firm of Burkhalter Kessler Clement & George LLP (Burkhalter Kessler Clement & George LLP) handles real estate litigation in Orange County, throughout the state and nationwide. Among other facets of our practice, Burkhalter Kessler Clement & George LLP‘s skilled trial lawyers represent clients in all types of commercial lease disputes. Such disputes may involve:

  • Duty to repair — Whether the property owner or the lessee is responsible for making repairs on the property
  • Early lease termination — What action will be taken in the event the lessee can no longer make payments or wants out of the lease agreement
  • Lease terms — Disagreements over the time period for which the lease is valid, the amount of monthly payments, which parties are authorized to use the property, etc.
  • Security deposits — Conditions under which the deposit will be returned, whether a letter of credit can be used, etc.
  • Subleasing — Whether or not the lessee is allowed to sublease the property to a third party

Burkhalter Kessler Clement & George LLP‘s attorneys represent both property owners and lessees in disputes over office leases, retail leases, warehouse leases and hybrid leases.

Proven And Persuasive Advocacy In Jury Trials

Trying to keep a jury awake, much less engaged, can be a challenging endeavor when dealing with esoteric subjects, such as the terms and conditions of lease agreements. However, our trial lawyers take pride in their well-honed ability to take a complex or “dry” set of facts, condense it and personalize it in a way that a lay person can relate to.

To learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation, call 888-714-1738 or contact our Irvine or Westlake Village offices online. We look forward to serving you.