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California contract disputes sometimes filed at the federal level

On Behalf of | Sep 1, 2016 | Contract Disputes |

Business persons in California and all other states often face challenges regarding their contracts. When contract disputes arise, the effects can be far-reaching, causing damage to more than one party. Especially in the field of education, unresolved contract problems often cause delays and impediments, not only to teachers or service workers, but students, as well.

In another state, a woman had been working as an elementary school principal. She landed a new position as the school district’s superintendent. However, the following month, new members joined the school board. A vote resulted in her contract being rescinded.

The former employee has since filed a federal lawsuit against the district. Her salary as superintendent was slated to be $115,000. Her claim states that the district violated her rights of due process and that her contract was inappropriately voided.

The school district contests the woman’s allegations. They have filed a motion requesting that the federal lawsuit be dismissed. The initial written motion was extremely brief, but plans for supporting documents to be filed were recently announced.

Regardless which side of an issue a California business person may be on, anyone facing contract disputes may seek experienced guidance before addressing the matter in a formal way. Whether a particular issue would be governed according to state or federal laws depends on the situation. A business and commercial law attorney would be able to clarify such matters and help determine how best to proceed to protect one’s best interests and obtain a favorable outcome in court.

Source: citizensvoice.com, “Crestwood seeks dismissal of breach-of-contract suit“, James Halpin, Aug. 31, 2016

