Teachers in California can likely relate to a contentious situation that’s been brewing in another state for two years. Contract disputes between a school system and a teachers’ association has no apparent end in site although ultimatums have been issued. Currently, both sides have been given dates where they must present final offers.
It appears the state will be getting involved as a fact-finding process is set to get underway wherein the offers of both sides will be reviewed; then, one will be chosen by a state mediator. The situation began in 2015 when negotiations between the teachers’ union and the school system began. That first round of negotiations ended with teachers filing an unfair labor practice claim against the school system.
At the time, the teachers claimed they were not receiving accurate financial information in order to make informed decisions in the contract negotiation process. District representatives fired back by requesting that the Indiana Education Employment Relations Board dismiss the unfair practice claim. The two sides have continued to go round and round without obtaining resolutions to their problems since then.
Both have been required to present their last best offers in March. They’ve also been given an option to submit a joint best offer for approval by the state to avoid the state’s having to choose one over the other. Contract disputes of this nature often prompt the need for litigation. Anyone in California in need of contract help may seek guidance from a business and commercial law attorney.
Source: thestarpress.com, “Timeline: MCS/MTA’s battle for a contract“, Emma Kate Fittes, Feb. 22, 2017