The trend of “naked” shows has not run its course yet. Even after “Naked and Afraid” on the Discovery Channel and TLC’s “Buying Naked” comes VH-1’s “Dating Naked.” The common theme among these shows is that, yes…you guessed it, people doing normal things that reality TV show stars do; except they are doing it in the buff.
So the expectation is that one’s private parts will be blurred out, pixilated or boxed out so that viewers will not see them.
However, a model from New York who starred on “Dating Naked” is suing VH-1 for failing to cover her lady parts. In her complaint, she claims that portions of her body that should have been covered were not in certain scenes. She asserts that the blurred portions make it less revealing than a bikini would. As such, she believes that she was “lied to and manipulated” and that she was promised that her privates would not be revealed.
The fallout from the uncensored nudity has apparently been harsh. She apparently has been heckled on Twitter and other social media sites. Further, her grandmother is reportedly not speaking to her and a man that she supposedly had been dating (outside of the show) is not taking her calls. All of this has damaged her (according to her complaint) to a tune of $10 million.
Despite the irony in this story, the legal question comes down to whether the contract between the model and the network was actually breached. It remains to be seen how the question will be resolved, but it is an example of why (and when) experienced legal representation is needed.