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What are some examples of sexual harassment?

On Behalf of | Jul 28, 2018 | Labor And Employment Law |

In the workplace, there are a number of reasons why disagreements arise and various violations that occur. Sometimes, these allegations are based on fabrications, while others mark a serious problem that is rampant within a particular company. Either way, these issues can lead to litigation and high-profile incidents, with the end result being very damaging for a business regardless of its size. Sexual harassment is particularly concerning and has received much attention in recent months, which is why business owners should understand which behaviors are prohibited and take steps to stamp out these violations.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has drawn attention to many examples of unlawful sexual harassment. For example, it is illegal for an employee to be harassed in a way that is so severe it creates a hostile work environment. Unwanted advances which are sexual in nature, sexually harassing a worker verbally or physically and requesting sexual favors may also constitute illegal harassment.

There are other behaviors that may be against the law, such as the presentation of sexually-charged material at work. It is also vital to know that unlawful sexual harassment may involve harassers and victims of the same gender or opposite genders. In order to prevent these incidents from arising in the workplace, it is important for business owners to take steps to prevent unlawful harassment by raising awareness and implementing effective training programs. When charges do arise, the case should be approached carefully, from all angles, and with a solid understanding of what is at stake.

